Rider Highlight – Tonya Goes to the National Veteran’s Wheelchair Games!

By Dan Roark It’s been quite a journey! This weekend, Tonya Andrews, a medically retired disabled Air Force veteran, will compete at the National Veteran’s Wheelchair Games in New Orleans. Tonya qualified to compete in Bocce Ball, Archery, Bowling, and Power Soccer. Let me go back to the beginning. For background, see my Thanksgiving post […]

It’s Always Something – Water Drainage

By Dan Roark [Author’s Note: It occurred to me that, with the constant influx of new expenses that can plague a nonprofit involving a herd of horses, It’s Always Something would be a good title for a weekly fundraising post. There are many ways to support and help New Hope. While it is true that […]

Volunteer Highlight – Melissa Sines

By Dan Roark I followed Sharla when she took the New Hope trailer with a few horses to the Stock Show and Rodeo grounds  in Ft. Worth for Chisholm Challenge in January. It was not her only trip. When we got to Will Rogers Coliseum paddocks, Melissa was at the door. She helped get the […]

Expressions of New Hope – Ella

By Dan Roark Like most riders at New Hope, Ella is happiest on a horse as you can see by her expressions. And their vibrant smiles are mirrored by the smiles of the volunteers. And their squeals of delight when trotting or learning something new warms the hearts of those around them regardless of the […]

Horses Helping Heroes, New Board Member

Bart Lesniewicz

By Dan Roark Sometimes an episode of a television show will start out with a scene that is actually the ending with the important parts missing. Then  “three hours (or whatever) earlier” flashes across the screen. Then the actual episode begins. So….. New Hope, while all board members are very much appreciated, has a new […]

The Farrier Returns – Wyatt Myr

By Dan Roark Not only was it the customary fifth week for the farrier to return to New Hope, it was also the return of Wyatt Myr to work after breaking his neck and back in an accident during a polo match. Fortunately, the doctor told him it was the best case scenario for neck […]

It’s Always Something

By Dan Roark There is always something to do. But particularly so for nonprofits, especially when that nonprofit includes a herd of horses (and a mule) and various other animals. Depending on volunteers (who are very much appreciated) means there will be times when there are – for whatever reason – no volunteers available. The […]

Expressions of New Hope – Eduardo

By Dan Roark When I first began taking pictures at New Hope, and New Hope events, Eduardo barely opened his eyes and didn’t talk much – other than the random sports recitations during lessons. At first, it had as much to do with my being a new person in his therapy sphere as it did […]

Instructor Highlight – Susan Altshuler

By Dan Roark I walked into the New Hope barn and decided to check the folder to see if any volunteers had filled out their questionnaires. I was pleasantly surprised to see that Susan had filled one out – marking out Volunteer and adding Instructor. I have purposely taken pictures of Susan for just such […]

Sponsorships Needed for the Third Annual New Hope Gala

Save the Date Hope Gala Oct 25 2024

By Dan Roark While you’re making plans for after the heat that’s coming when things get cooler, mark your calendar for the Third Annual Hope Gala – this year themed “A Night At The Races” – benefitting New Hope. It will again be at Lucky Spur Ranch in Justin, Texas. You can get your tickets […]

The Hits Just Keep on Coming – Expenses-wise!

By Dan Roark While I was posting about how well Libby was dealing with equine Cushing’s disease, her health began to go south, adding to the vet issues and bills which accelerated with Olivia’s visit to the equine ICU recently. Libby contracted pneumonia, causing an overnight stay at the vet hospital – which also revealed […]

Expressions of New Hope – Margaret

By Dan Roark Margaret is usually wearing sunglasses of some sort. She always has fun riding, but especially so on Family Fun Day. I don’t know if she took them off for my sake – the sun was still bright – but she did pose for me. In the picture in which Rain is trotting, […]

Equine Therapy is For Horses, Too – Libby

By Dan Roark The reason Sharla was clipping Libby during the Farrier’s visit was due to Libby having equine Cushing’s disease, as I mentioned in the Farrier post. Cushing’s disease, whether in humans or horses, involves the pituitary gland and is generally found in the female species of both.  The effects, however, while both are […]

Before the Deluge Recap – The Coming of the Farrier

By Dan Roark   The farrier comes every five weeks. The last time was on May 20 – before the torrential unforgiving rains. Joey was substituting for the regular farrier, Wyatt, who was in the hospital with health issues. Joey’s assistant was Rylee, affectionately referred to by Joey as the “Dutch Hammer.” One of the things […]

Before the Deluge Recap – Family Fun Day

By Dan Roark  [More pictures can be found on the New Hope Facebook page. But I wanted to highlight the work Susan did to set up the games and facilitate the events.] Despite the rain the latter part of the week before, the sun shone bright for Family Fun Day on Saturday, May 18, which […]

New Hope – After the Deluge

By Dan Roark     I had originally planned to begin by saying “after the rains and storms of last week” when the bottom dropped out again as I was sitting there. Then more rain came. The rain is freaking relentless. And so is the need for funds in this little nonprofit world we call New […]

Horses Helping Heroes, New Board Member

Bart Lesniewicz

By Dan Roark Sometimes an episode of a television show will start out with a scene that is actually the ending with the important parts missing. Then  “three hours (or whatever) earlier” flashes across the screen. Then the actual episode begins. So….. New Hope, while all board members are very much appreciated, has a new […]

Claire, FFA, and Horse Judging

By Dan Roark Claire and I were talking during one of the two Denton Riding Club Playdays in which New Hope riders participated. She was telling Cyndy and I about her team competing in Horse Judging events through FFA at school. I thought it would make a great post and asked her to write it […]

Expressions of New Hope: Ashwik

By Dan Roark In the couple of years since Ashwik began riding at New Hope, I have taken pictures of him on numerous occasions. When he first began riding, it was almost impossible to get a shot with his eyes open. Each lesson that I took pictures of him, he opened up a little more. […]

Autism Awareness Month and New Hope

By Dan Roark It’s been a busy month, but before Autism Awareness Month ends, I would like to get in a post in support. Riders at New Hope Equine Assisted Therapy are often dealing with a number of issues. In numerous cases, one of those issues is autism. Or, more precisely, they are somewhere on […]

Volunteer Highlight – Emily Klemme

By Dan Roark Emily is a regular volunteer at New Hope, in addition to being a substitute teacher in the Argyle school district. She recently moved to Argyle and she is mom to six “wonderful” kids. A love of horses and volunteering brought her to New Hope. As well as a desire to learn new […]

Kudos to Highland Homes Volunteers

By Dan Roark The sensory trail at New Hope is brighter, thanks to the painting skills of the Highland Homes Volunteers (HHV). They painted every game on the trail that really needed painting and revived the Number Doors game after scraping the old loose paint off.   They also painted new rails for the Ball […]

Expressions of NH: Three New Hope Friends

By Dan Roark A few Sundays ago, Cyndy and I met Tucker and her mother, Sarah, in Weatherford and took Tucker to New Hope to ride and work with Claire and Juliana – two of her New Hope friends. Since Tucker and Sarah moved southwest of Weatherford, we have brought Tucker to New Hope as […]

Horses Highlight: Seeing the Doctor

By Dan Roark Or more precisely, the doctor came to the horses in the form of Dr. Jennifer Voellinger and her Precision Equine Mobile Veterinary Service. More about her in a minute, but she has a gentle personality conducive to both humans and horses. Torrin and I helped Kim, the barn manager, bring each horse […]

9th Annual Sporting Clay Shoot

By Dan Roark The days leading up to the 9th Annual Sporting Clay Shoot were cloudy with a little rain. But the sun came out Saturday morning with just a little wind, making it a beautiful day for supporting New Hope Equine Assisted Therapy. After registration and the signing of waivers, the welcome by Dave […]

Paddock Drainage Fundraising Campaign Reminder

Paddock Drainage Project

By Dan Roark With the rain overnight, and more coming, it’s again painfully evident (for the horses)  that paddock footing/drainage is needed. Every little bit adds up and matters. Please contribute to the Paddock Drainage Campaign. The horses will thank you! Ride on and Ride for hope.

Expressions of New Hope: Riders – Robbie

By Dan Roark The first rider I sidewalked with was Robbie. His mother is the other sidewalker. Robbie is a sweet boy, but he has his moods. He is very expressive in that regard. And he definitely has a playful side. Enjoy Robbie’s moods and expressions. At least you don’t have to be hit with […]

Denton Roundup Club Playday

By Dan Roark Due to the events of the past week or so, well, life, I’m playing catch-up with posts. As I said in the post last Tuesday, we went to the Denton Roundup Club (DRC) Playday for the second time on Palm Sunday. Despite the strong wind and cloudiness with intermittent sun, everyone enjoyed […]

Denton Roundup Club Playday – Daisy Mae Highlight

By Dan Roark New Hope riders, instructor, and volunteers participated in the Denton Roundup Club Playday for the second time. This time the horses were Cy (Cyclops), Chito, and the mule, Daisy Mae. Look for another post about the Playday and Susan, Claire, and Juliana’s rides and so forth, but I want to highlight Daisy […]

Paddock Drainage Update and Clay Shoot Reminder

Paddock Drainage Project

By Dan Roark First, here is the updated link for the Paddock Drainage Fundraising campaign. Each time it rains, the need for dry paddock footing becomes all that much more evident. Missy has her fly mask on in the picture, but you can still see her sad face. And picking the horse’ hooves tells the […]

Expressions of New Hope – Callie

By Dan Roark I take a lot of pictures trying to get some good ones for the New Hope blog, Facebook, and the website. Some pictures I take for personal reasons to see if I can get a particular shot I see in my head. But the pictures that I will post in this feature […]

Paddock Footing: Donations Needed

By Dan Roark     The relentless rain of the last couple of months made one thing drastically clear – new paddock footing is a definite necessity.             The muddy paddocks need a drainage system to keep the horses out of the mud. Lighthoof will provide drainage while the gravel […]

Horse Highlight: Cy (Cyclops)

By Dan Roark Cyclops is a quarter horse, vintage 2005, who joined New Hope in 2019 when his owner could not take him to college. Before becoming a therapy horse Cy was a barrel racing school horse, and before that he was a jumper. Back when Cy was a jumper he lost his eye to […]

Clay Shoot Raffle Reminder

Raffle Ticket

By Dan Roark First, a reminder that registration is open for the 9th Annual Sporting Clay Shoot benefiting New Hope Equine Assisted Therapy. For more information on the Clay Shoot see the former post on the blog or go to the Clay Shoot page of the website. This is a reminder about the firearms raffle to raise […]

9th Annual Sporting Clay Shoot Reminder

By Dan Roark There are still spots open for the Annual Sporting Clay Shoot benefitting New Hope to be held at Fossil Pointe Sporting Grounds in Decatur on Saturday, April 13. Registration will begin at 8 a.m. with a 9 a.m. anticipated start time. Awards, Auction, and Lunch provided by 407BBQ will start at Noon. […]

Equine Therapy is Therapy for Volunteers, Too

by Dan Roark In the volunteer highlight yesterday, Jessica brought up a point about volunteer therapy I’ve been thinking about myself.  The picture is of me side walking with Clayton on Rain. I don’t get many pictures of me – I’m usually taking the pictures. So I’ll use myself as an example. One Sunday night, I […]

Volunteer Highlight – Jessica Hamilton

By Dan Roark When we decided to highlight volunteers on the blog, it was just before the winter break preceding Chisholm Challenge. Following Chisholm Challenge, the wet weather was relentless, causing lesson cancellations. Now that Spring lessons are in full force with only the odd cancellation – and I have enough responses – it’s time […]

Horse Highlights – Relationships

By Dan Roark With just a few horses left to highlight, I thought I would focus on relationships among the herd. This is Missy and Sierra with Gabby behind Sierra. The pictures were taken after the horses that participated in Chisholm Challenge returned home and all of the horses were turned out of their paddocks. […]

Three New Hope Riders Participate in DRC Monthly Playday

By Dan Roark On Sunday, February 25th, Claire, Ava, and Juliana participated as juniors in spur, poles, and barrels in the Denton Roundup Club (DRC) – now monthly – Playday at the DRC arena on Ryan Rd. in Denton. The girls rode Cy (Cyclops), Rain, and Chito, respectively. Members of the DRC compete to get […]

Horse Highlight – Flash

By Dan Roark The picture is of me washing Flash, a gray 2004 model grade quarter horse gelding who came to New Hope in 2020, during the heat wave last summer.  He was given to New Hope by his owner who could no longer ride. Flash was nervous when he arrived until Missy took him […]