Emily assists Chris in grooming Daisy Mae while Caleb looks on.

By Dan Roark

Emily is a regular volunteer at New Hope, in addition to being a substitute teacher in the Argyle school district. She recently moved to Argyle and she is mom to six “wonderful” kids.

A love of horses and volunteering brought her to New Hope. As well as a desire to learn new things. Not to mention meeting new friends – including the animals at New Hope.


Emily leading Flash for Abby’s lesson.

Asked about her favorite horse she said that “Flash seems to be the most chill, but I’ve learned so much about them all!” The same can be said about all of us at New Hope. Horses have a lot to say if we just pay attention and listen.

Emily’s favorite part of volunteering is seeing the smiles on the clients’/riders’ faces. She mentioned that she has met some amazing people, too. Asked how volunteering has affected her: “I’ve always loved to help. I have done this type of volunteering before, but it’s been many years. I look forward to [volunteering at New Hope] every week.”

Thank you for volunteering Emily!

Ride on and ride for hope.

Donate to New Hope.

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