By Dan Roark

With just a few horses left to highlight, I thought I would focus on relationships among the herd. This is Missy and Sierra with Gabby behind Sierra. The pictures were taken after the horses that participated in Chisholm Challenge returned home and all of the horses were turned out of their paddocks.

While most of the horses get along generally, the special relationships change with the weather. And when some of them have been in Fort Worth for close the three days, relationships are renewed and new ones fostered, like you see with Sierra and Missy.

Each time one of us goes to New Hope some relationships have changed. Yet some remain. Like Gabby and Sierra, who share a paddock. Outside the paddock, Gabby is once again a mother figure to Sierra. But back in the paddock, they each go to their own particular spot. Their relationship, however, remains steadfast.

Ride on and ride for hope.

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