By Dan Roark

After a week of rain and a week of illness and out of town trips, things have settled back into regularity this week in the little universe we call New Hope. For the riders who are going to be competing at Chisholm Challenge in January, lessons are being geared toward conditioning, horse and rider communication, and the particular event(s) in which he or she will be competing.

With that said, the plan for the New Hope News Blog is to post about Chisholm Challenge – history, events, etc. – on Mondays. Then highlight a New Hope horse on Wednesday. Followed by a New Hope volunteer highlight on Friday. All horses and volunteers are loved and appreciated. We would like to let you know more about them.

And occasionally, I will publish a post of pictures of the different expressions of riders – and/or volunteers/staff. Riding, volunteering, instructing, and taking care of the horses at New Hope is a journey. While we naturally post pictures with smiles and joy, those pictures represent the successes of the journey. I think it’s important to illustrate the struggles that led to those successes.

Ride on and ride for hope.

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