Cyndy washing Tommy

By Dan Roark

Yesterday, Cyndy and I picked Tucker up in Weatherford and took her to New Hope. The idea was that she would have a chance to ride to get ready for Chisholm Challenge. A drill team practice was scheduled for 2 p.m. If any of the drill team riders were unable to make the practice, Tucker could fill in. But more importantly, she could see her New Hope friends whom she hasn’t seen since the Gala in October.

Alas, as they say, it was not to be. The forecast changed a number of times over the few days prior. The

Flash after rolling in the dirt and getting rained on – he’s actually grey!

night before they said it would rain most of the day. This time, they were not wrong. We arrived at New Hope before noon. It was heavily misting, but it wasn’t rain. We let the horses out of their paddocks. Cyndy washed Tommy while Tucker enjoyed visiting with all the animals at New Hope and giving them candy canes and treats. The practice was canceled, but Claire was going to come by when she got out of school about 1 p.m. to see Tucker.

I was taking pictures as quickly as I could, mainly of horses for the horse highlights, but the goats as well. The goats love posing for pictures and most horses as well. Not to mention a healthy bit of curiosity as they walked toward me posing the entire way. These pictures are not safe for horse highlights so to speak. They are pictures of horses doing what comes naturally when it’s been raining and then they’re let out, rolling on the ground, etc.

Tucker giving Missy a treat.

When I began to have to continually dry off the camera I knew it was coming. I went into the barn. Cyndy finished with Tommy and came into the barn. Tucker came in not long after. We sat or stood talking watching the rain come down harder. Tucker put on a coat, occasionally going back out to give candy canes to the horses she missed earlier.

Claire arrived around 2 followed not long after by Susan. We all visited for a while in the education room with the heater, Tucker and Claire at one end and Susan, Cyndy, and I at the other. We all left about 4 and Cyndy, Tucker, and I fought the rain and the traffic southwest to Mingus where Tucker’s mother works. But we were able to give Tucker an afternoon at New Hope and see her smile.

Ride on and ride for hope.

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