Susan gives the riders instructions before the lesson begins. Drew waits to lead Lucy on Duke.

By Dan Roark    The riders were excited to get back to lessons after the summer break and the extended period of excessive heat.

Susan Altshuler, the instructor, was as excited as the riders and volunteers to have lessons resume. The cooler weather helped the mood considerably. The volunteers, horse leaders and side walkers, are riders who aged out of the program and are now giving back to the program while staying close to the horses.

After the lesson, the volunteers were able to ride horses, exercising and working with them.

Lesson Activity
Juliana riding Duke


Claire riding Libby









Drew on Tommy and Ava on Rain

It was a fitting start to Fall lessons. The smiles were contagious. And things are just getting started in this little universe we call New Hope.

Ride on and ride for hope.