By Dan Roark

It’s been an interesting couple of months for both myself and New Hope. But before I get into life in the little universe we call New Hope, I’d like to introduce myself. My name is Dan Roark. Cyndy, the love of my life, has been volunteering at New Hope for about two years now, becoming leader, side walker, and generally useful person. While I supported Cyndy and New Hope during that time, I began volunteering myself when someone was needed to write on the website and, specifically, this blog. My previous posts can be found on our blog page. We hope to be able to archive them so visitors such as yourselves can read previous posts if they would like. Unfortunately, due to changes and tragic circumstances, I have been lax in posting. I have however, picked up new volunteering duties, such as cleaning tack, being the guy with the horse treats in his pockets, and a generally useful person, which will pick back up when the heat goes down.

That said, despite the summer heat – which has been relentless – plans are still unfolding at New Hope.

The Sneaky Cleats softball team came out to volunteer and learn about horses. It was back when the heat was just starting to kick in (days we can look back on with fondness as we buckle down for serious heat). Terri and Aaron Sturman (Volunteer Coordinator and Board Member, of New Hope, respectively) were the team’s hosts.

The players of Sneaky Cleats enjoyed their time helping out and visiting with the horses, one mule, three goats, two dogs, and a pig. The girls scooped up after the horses on pretty much the whole property. Dust flew out of the door as they swept out the barn. They did other chores as well. The players of Sneaky Cleats did a great job and are welcome at New Hope anytime. Good job, girls!

Ride on and ride for hope.