
Flash is a gray 2004 model grade quarter horse gelding who came to New Hope in 2020 when he was gifted by his new owner who could no longer ride. Flash was nervous when he arrived, but Missy took him under her wing and he has now blossomed into a confident herd member.  These days he is usually found hanging out with his favorite mule, Daisy Mae.  Flash prefers confident leaders and confident independent riders and is very good at teaching humans to be assertive but fair and calm.  He carefully carries riders as old as 93, standing perfectly still for mounting and dismounting and trying his best to listen to riders, spotters, and leaders.  You can see his indecision when he is getting mixed messages from them, “Listen to the rider, the leader…what to do…just stand still”!  This actually makes him perfect for those who are not fully aware of what their bodies are saying to the horse because he chooses to just stand still until the message is clear. The rider is safe, and Flash teaches him to be more deliberate in his movement. Flash has a circular movement at a slow walk which becomes more front to back the faster he goes, giving riders different stimulation all within the walk.  His trot is very side to side, requiring riders to constantly adjust their balance while staying centered on his back.  We do not know much about Flash before he came to us,  but we suspect he was a working ranch horse for most of his life.  We DO know that he enjoys the slower pace at New Hope and getting to be part of an actual herd.